

2021-02-23 15:10   来源: 广东新闻网    阅读次数:4928



Since ancient times, every national event, will be launched to commemorate the collection, as a celebration.

On February 10,2010, IOC Rogge announced the award of the second Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2014 to Nanjing, China! Nanjing cheers! China boiling! At that time, the audience will reach more than 3 million people, and the global television audience will reach 2.5 billion people. This will be another global event in China after the 2008 Nanjing Olympic Games! This is also Nanjing's first global sports event! August 16,2014 global view of Nanjing!


"2014 Green Olympic Emblem "and "2008 Nanjing Olympic Emblem" with the same source, the same line, authorized by the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Organizing Committee, Nanjing Industrial and American overall artist Guo Ming again led the leadership, the original team to build, on the master, authority and "2008 Nanjing Olympic Emblem ", will create "2014 Green Olympic Emblem "wealth value appreciation myth!

此盛世中华青奥徽宝总重量2580g,采用的是中国传统团龙造型,以大清二十五宝玺之一的“ 敕正万民之宝”为原型再创作设计,有“以诰四方“之意,也预示着中国已经踏入世界强国,亦向世界宣告中国南京举办2014年世界青年奥运会。龙,作为我们中国人独特的一种文化的凝聚与积淀,已经扎根与深藏于我们每个人的潜意识里头,并且龙文化的视角,龙文化的审美意识已渗透入了我国社会文化的各个领域、各个方面。龙在中国传统文化中是权势、高贵、尊荣的象征,又是幸运与成功的标志。

At 2580 g, the total weight of Huibao is Chinese traditional Tuanlong modeling, with one of the 25 seals of the Qing Dynasty as the prototype of the re-creation design, with the meaning of "with the four directions ", It also indicates that China has stepped into the world power and announced to the world that Nanjing, China will host the 2014 World Youth Olympic Games. Dragon, as a unique cultural cohesion and accumulation of our Chinese people, has been rooted and hidden in each of our subconscious, and the perspective of dragon culture, the aesthetic consciousness of dragon culture has penetrated into all fields and aspects of our social culture. Dragon is a symbol of power, nobility and honor in Chinese traditional culture, and also a symbol of luck and success.


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